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From: ats2018


Can I earn ABIM or ABP MOC at ATS 2018?

Conference attendees can earn MOC through the Adult and Pediatric Core Curriculum and selected Symposia. For a list of eligible symposia, check thttp://conference.thoracic.org/program/moc.php or session details of each session in the app.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

Do I have to register for MOC Symposia?

No, but you must have a conference badge to attend.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

How many MOC points can I earn?

Attendees can earn up to a total of 44.5 ABIM MOC points and 10 ABP MOC credits. Each Adult Core (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep) is worth a total 3.5 MOC points. The Pediatric Core is worth at total 4.0 MOC points. Each eligible Symposia is worth 2.0 MOC Points. 

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

Is there an additional cost for taking the MOC exams?

MOC exams are completely free of charge to ATS 2018 attendees with full conference registration (one day registration, postgraduate only and guests excluded). Post-test must be completed by July 31, 2018.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

How do I earn ABIM and ABP MOC ?

1. Take the pre-test, which can be completed up to Saturday, May 19, 2018 (midnight PST). The pre-test can be accessed at https://www.xpressreg.net/register/thor0518/evaluations.asp 2.  Attend MOC eligible Symposia: Visit the Program Itinerary for more information about eligible symposia 3. Take the post-test, which will be available on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 4 pm PST. The post test will remain available, free of charge to attendees with full conference registration, through July 31, 2018 https://www.xpressreg.net/register/thor0518/evaluations.asp Each session has its own MOC post-test. YOu can take any or all of the tests.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

What if I get an error message when reporting my score?

The most common reason is that your ABIM or ABP ID was entered incorrectly. Please re-enter your ID and month and date of birth to resubmit.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

Do I have to take all of the MOC exams?

No, you can select the MOC Symposia attend corresponding exams that are most relevant to your interest.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

How and when is my score reported to the ABIM and ABP?

Upon passing the MOC exams you will be asked to provide your ABIM or ABP ID and month and date of birth which is needed to automatically transmit your score to the to the ACCME who will then report to the ABIM and ABP. This will only transmit your MOC. You will need to take additional steps to claim CME. (see below)

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

What if I don't know or remember my ABIM or ABP ID?

To find a physician’s ABIM ID, go to http://www.abim.org/verify-physician.aspx. To find a physician's ABP ID go to https://www.abp.org/content/verification-certification

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

How do I claim CME for an MOC eligible session?

To Claim CME click here http://conference.thoracic.org/program/cme-nursing-ce.php This will only generate a CME certificate. You will need to follow additional steps to claim MOC. (see above)

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

If I took the MOC exam will I automatically get CME

No. There are two separate pathways for claiming MOC and CME. Claiming one will not automatically transfer the other. Please see instructions above for how to claim each one individually. Please see section on Professional Accreditation: CME in the FAQ for more information.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

If I claimed CME for an MOC eligible session will I automatically get MOC?

No. There are two separate pathways for claiming MOC and CME. In order to claim both CME and MOC you will need to follow steps for both. You must pass the MOC post test to earn MOC and complete the CME online questionnaire form to claim CME. Claiming one will not automatically transfer the other. Please see instructions above for how to claim each one individually.

Lauren Krampen, MOC@thoracic.org

What is the Core Curriculum?

The ATS Core Curriculum Symposia at the International Conference focus on a 3-year content cycle of key medical content in the areas of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep, and Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine. The symposia are intended to assist clinicians with staying current with the growth of information relevant to their medical practice, as well as provide an opportunity to evaluate individual knowledge and skills.

Liz Guzman, MOC@thoracic.org

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