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Gender Correlation of Patients on CIWA Protocol


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A1877 - Gender Correlation of Patients on CIWA Protocol
Author Block: A. Malik1, A. M. Abdul Hameed1, N. Ghionni2, B. E. Iriarte2, A. Maheshwari3, A. Mohammed2, K. Magsi4, D. J. Valentino5; 1Internal Medicine, Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA, United States, 2Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Yeadon, PA, United States, 4Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States, 5Critical Care, Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA, United States.
Gender Correlation to Benzodiazepine Dosage, Length of Stay in the ICU, and Total Length of Stay of patients on CIWA protocol
Ammar Malik, MD; Asif Abdul Hameed, MD; Nicholas Ghionni, DO; Ana Maheshwari, MD; Aasim Mohammed, MD; Komal Magsi, PhD; Dominic J. Valentino III, DO FCCP FACOI
Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Rationale: We analyzed males and females on CIWA (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol) protocol and studied their outcomes, benzodiazepine dosage, ICU length of stay (LOS), ventilator days and hospital LOS.
Methods: A retrospective observational hospital study in an adult ICU at an academic community hospital in an urban setting was conducted. was administered with a total patient population of 56 individuals. The groups were divided based on gender, male (n= 46) and female(n = 10). Subsets were compared using mean benzodiazepine dose,ICU LOS, and hospital LOS.
Results: The mean benzodiazepine dose was higher in the female patient population compared to male population (64mg vs 28mg, p-value=0.05). The mean ICU LOS was also higher in the female population compared to the male population, with a notable statistical significance (12 days vs 4.0 days, p-value=0.05). The mean hospital LOS was also higher for the female group when compared to the male group (13 vs 8 days, p-value=0.05).
Conclusions: There was a significant difference in the amount of benzodiazepine administered on the female patient population, which appears to have affected their ICU LOS, and hospital LOS. The results are not entirely conclusive, due in part to the disproportionate gender representation and overall small number of patients.
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