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A1921 - Lung Function Decline in Korean: A Community-Based Cohort Study
Author Block: M. Sung1, A. Leem1, B. Park2, S. Won3, J. Jung1, Y. Kim1; 1Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 22Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is defined by irreversible airway obstruction and tends to decline lung function rapidly. In Korea, longitudinal study to investigate the factors associated with accelerated lung function decline is not performed yet. In this study, we evaluate the rate of decline in annual lung function using a community cohort database in Korea.
Methods: We analyzed data from 5,865 subjects aged 40-69 years from Ansung-Ansan cohort which is community-based sample used to conduct the Korean Genome and Epidemiology study (KoGES). We determined the annual rate of decline in FEV1 over time among the participants according to smoking status, gender, and presence of airflow limitation. Annual decline in FEV1 was analyzed by generalized additive mixed model.
Results: Among 5,865 subjects, the mean annual FEV1 decline was higher for the male group (31.3 ml/year) than in the female group (27.0 mL/year) Among men without airflow limitation, the mean annual decline in FEV1 was 31.7 mL/year in the never smoker group. The changes in FEV1 were increased in the former smoker group (35.5 mL/year) and in the current smoker group(40.1 mL/year). Among women without COPD, the mean annual changes in FEV1 were not significantly different among three groups (27.2 mL/year) in the never smoker group, 7.3 mL/year in the former smoker group, and 32.4 mL/year in the current smoker group. Among men with airflow limitation, the mean FEV1 decline was 23.4 mL/year in the never smoker group, 19.7 mL/year in the former smoker group, and 33.9 mL/year in the current smoker group.
Conclusions: In the Korean general population aged 40-69 years, history of current smoking was associated with accelerated loss of lung function among men without COPD.