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A1518 - Clinical Characteristics of Patients in a Case Control Study of Sarcoidosis in Brazil
Author Block: J. Guimaraes1, M. C. Lopes2, R. Rufino3, C. H. Costa4, F. M. Anselmo5, B. R. Silva2, E. J. Bessa6, L. Bruno1; 1Pneumology, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2PNEUMOLOGY, UERJ, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, 3UERJ, Rio De Janeiro 22261-020, Brazil, 4Pneumologia, HUPE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6UERJ - Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Introduction: Sarcoidosis is a chronic inflammatory disease histologically characterized by the presence of non-caseous granulomas rich in lymphocytes, mainly TCD4 +, and macrophages, affecting multiple systems, being most common before the age 50 and in females. The highest prevalence of sarcoidosis is found in Sweden (121 / 100,000 inhabitants), in contrast to Spain, whose rates are the lowest in the region. In Japan, its prevalence is around 1-2 / 100,000 inhabitants, while in Latin America, although there are few studies about it, it is estimated at 10 / 100,000 inhabitants. In Brazil, the epidemiologic studies have found that women are the most affected, with a mean age of 40 years. Most recent data suggest a higher prevalence among Non-Caucasians. Some researches indicate that smoking delivers a protective factor against sarcoidosis. The main clinical manifestations are dyspnea, skin lesions, arthralgia and cough. The radiological stage II is the most commonly found.
Objective: To describe the population profile of patients with sarcoidosis at the outpatient clinic in Brazil.
Methods: Case control study carried out in Rio de Janeiro, between August 2015 and October 2017. All patients had a confirmed diagnosis of sarcoidosis by sarcoidosis statement (ATS 1999) and interviewed and revised to identify the main symptoms, comorbidities, chosen method to define the diagnosis, usual treatment, and function test.
Results: 72 patients were described, 66% females, 62% Non-Caucasians, 23% with smoking history (2 are current smokers), age of diagnosis 44,3 ± 11,2 years, 8 patients with stage 1, 31 with stage 2, 18 stage 3 and 9 stage 4 at the first consult, and seemstresses, beauty saloon, general services and health workers as the most common occupations. The mean of the pulmonary function tests were: FVC 86% ± 19, FEV1 82% ± 17, FEV1/FVC 79 ± 7, DLCO 90% ± 28. The most prevalent initial clinical manifestations were dyspnea, cough and skin lesions. The skin was the biopsy site most used, followed by transbronquial and mediastinoscopy. 54% of the patients aren’t using any drugs, 29% using prednisone only and 17% using corticoid sparing drugs.
Conclusions: Our epidemiologic data show the prevalence of females, diagnosis at young adulthood, prevalence of non-smokers and non-caucasians and pulmonary and cutaneous involvement in the majority of the patients with sarcoidosis with pulmonar function tests results within the reference values.