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A3990 - Sleep Respiratory Mandibular Movements Analysis Allows for Obstructive Hypopneas Identification
Author Block: B. Melki1, J. Martinot2, N. Le Dong3, V. Cuthbert2, J. Pepin4, J. Borel5; 1Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, 2CHU UCL Namur, Namur, Belgium, 3RespiSom, Erpent, Belgium, 4Laboratoire EFCR, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, 5Sleep laboratory, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.
Rationale: Classification of a hypopnea as obstructive, mixed or central, should be performed with the quantitative assessment of ventilatory effort provided by oesophageal pressure (OEP),which is unfeasible in routine . Mandibular movements (MM) during SDB are accurate reporter of diaphragmatic activity. Our study aimed to validate the use of MM as a surrogate marker of OEP to distinguish among different hypopnea patterns in OSAS. Methods: 22 consecutive OSAS patients underwent a polysomnography (PSG) incorporating the measurements of MM by a magnetometer (Brizzy®) and OEP via catheter (Gaeltec®). Three patterns of hypopnea (obstructive: ObH, central: CentH or mixed: MixH) and normal-breathing (Norm) were identified after MM blinding. Amplitudes of MM and OEP signals (MMa and OEPa respectively) were estimated at 10 Hz by envelope processing and served as target outcomes in our analysis. Results: Studied population was characterized by age of 55.5±15.7 years, BMI= 31.8±9.9 kg/m2, Total Sleep Time=352.9±86.2 min and AHI=28.8±22.4 n/h. The MMa and OEPa were significantly cross-correlated with median r=0.74 and zero lag. Quantile ANOVA and pairwise comparisons indicated a clear difference in either MMa and OEPa among the 4 patterns: The medians of MMa (mm) were 0.12 (CentH), 0.13 (Norm), 0.2 (MixH) and 0.36 (ObsH) that were consistent with the OEP tendency: 1.29 (CentH), 4.33(Norm), 5.52(MixH) and 9.38(ObsH) cmH2O. A MM based multiclass classifier allows to rule-in obstructive hypopneas with good performance (AUC=0.73, Specificity=0.86 and PPV=0.92 when validated on unseen data). Conclusion: MM amplitude can be used as a surrogate marker for OEP amplitude to classify the obstructive or central nature of hypopneas in OSAS.