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Fast Capture: A Tool for the Early Detection of Thoracic Cancer


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A7357 - Fast Capture: A Tool for the Early Detection of Thoracic Cancer
Author Block: J. M. Lopez, A. Miotto, P. A. A. Honda, D. C. Dias, J. H. Rivaben, R. H. Roja, T. B. Hassegawa, m. C. Braz, M. Botter; Hospital Sancta Maggiore, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Despite being the neoplasm with the highest mortality in men and the second largest in women, in Brazil, lung cancer is still diagnosed late in most of the time. Primary prevention is the best way to fight lung cancer, because reducing the number of smokers or stopping smoking at any time reduces the incidence of the disease. However, for the population that has been exposed to smoking and other factors that increase the risk of developing cancer, there are still scarce resources that allow the early diagnosis of lung cancer. Despite its high frequency, it is still diagnosed late in the majority of the time, being possible only the palliative treatment in these cases. In order to try to detect and treat patients with lung cancer and other chest neoplasms early, a system was developed whereby patients submitted to chest tomography (CT) with suspected changes for neoplasia are referred directly to the specialist by the radiologist who analyzed the CT. It was evaluated the fate of 47 patients with suspicious CT scans, among whom 11 were diagnosed with neoplasia and 3 were treated with a curative proposal. Unlike the screening program, which involves submitting asymptomatic patients to chest scans, the FAST CAPTURE program is intended to provide immediate follow-up for patients undergoing the examination for other reasons. Although they configure diagnostic modalities that cannot be compared, both can be used in parallel, in different patients, in the fight against lung cancer. The system, called FAST CAPTURE, proved to be useful for the early detection of thoracic malignancies.
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